Share your experiences


Whether it’s good or bad, we want to hear your experiences of health and social care services in Central Bedfordshire.

It could be about hospital visits or appointments with the doctor, dentist and optician, or your experience of residential care, services for mental health issues, home care, and more.

Your experience can help shape and improve future health and care services in Central Bedfordshire, so we want to hear from you. You can help make a difference!

You can leave feedback about a health or care service in your area and also read other comments about local services.

To leave a review of a service, simply use the search bar or click on the tabs below. Feedback has been left on the services highlighted in pink. No feedback has been received on the services shown in black.

If you unable to find a service or there isn’t already a review of the service you wish to leave feedback on, please go to our Contact Us page and choose the selection ‘Leave feedback on a health or social care service’ to complete the first review of the service.

Please note that reviews can be left anonymously. We do moderate reviews before we publish them. Reviews can be later removed at your request.

* By submitting your review, you confirm you give consent to your personal details being stored by Healthwatch, and are over 13 years of age. Reviews will be displayed on the website, with name (if given), and can be removed later at your request. Your contact information may be used, or forwarded, in the case of a safeguarding concern. Please see our Privacy Statement for more information.

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