Review for Biggleswade Community Mental Health Team

Honestly, my mental health was better before I was sent here. You go to these people at rock bottom and vulnerable and they seem to make it their personal challenge to show you there’s a worse level o

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  • Jacob says:

    There are a few incredibly amazing staff members here but unfortunately that is not enough to redeem the overall lack of care, understanding or professionalism. According to someone that was spoken to the cause of mental health issues does not matter and complicates things. It would appear based on that conversation and others that as has been the case for a number of years they only look for the easy answer to make their job easier and will only treat people on their terms, even if it is a detrimental impact to your mental health, i.e. agoraphobia. Autism is not a mental health disorder, you’re supposed to be helping to treat mental health issues. Disgraceful and disgusting!

  • Anon says:

    Awful experience here. I have to constantly chase and it is mentally draining.

  • Patrick Moore says:

    I’m really sorry to hear that you found the appointment unhelpful. If you wish to discuss further, please call Martin Orr, Operational Manager, on 01767 224181, or you can contact me, Patrick Moore, Service Manager, 07785 998209

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