For co-production week, (1st-5th July 2024), Anna, our Youth Engagement and Volunteer Officer partnered with Georgia Ritchie, People Participation Lead, Social Care, Health & Housing at Central Bedfordshire Council to create a resource for professionals on co-production.
Co-production Week is an annual awareness campaign to recognise the benefits of working in equal partnership with people using social care and health provision. The week highlights the power of co-production to design and develop better ways of doing things in Health and Social Care.
Anna and Georgia co-designed, produced and presented to Health and Social Care colleagues an informative lecture on:
- What is co-production?
- The myths
- Why co-production is important
- The benefits of co-production
- Key considerations for co-production
The presentation can be accessed via this link:
We hope this informative session can continue to support colleagues who hope to incorporate co-production in Health and Care settings. If you have any questions, please contact Anna at:
Thanks for this. I was totally unaware of co-production before I read the article.