
Acacia Family Support

Perinatal mental health problems are far more common than you think. In fact whilst one in 5 new mums experience them, up to one in 10 new dads or partners are also likely to develop them.  For this reason Acacia has been supporting dads and partners for many years.


Acacia Parents Guide

Perinatal mental health problems can affect both parents and as a result we have also developed a focus on partners. Perinatal mental health problems affect the entire family.

This booklet has been produced specifically to help support dads and partners.


Bedfordshire Rural Communities Charity (BRCC)

BRCC offers personalised support to help people make positive changes to take control of their health and wellbeing – social prescribing, walking for health (gentle walks).


Support aid for women: Heavy Periods

This leaflet will help you decide how to manage heavy periods. You could read it to prepare for your appointment with your healthcare professional. There are pages you can fill in.


Menopause Support: Understanding Menopause

Menopause will directly affect approximately half the world’s population. If that includes you, we have written this booklet to help you understand more about it and to enable you to make informed choices about how you manage your menopause.


Menopause Support: Guide to Understanding Menopause for Partners

A lot of women don’t understand what is happening to them at menopause, so if women don’t understand, what chance do their partners have?

Menopause should be discussed openly at home and in the workplace so that we all understand that this is a natural stage of life that we all need to be prepared for. To help, read The Menopause Support Guide to Understanding Menopause for Partners.


MoreLife BedsMK

Morelife in Bedford Borough, Central Bedfordshire & Milton Keynes provide a wide variety of services for people living in Bedford Borough, Central Bedfordshire and Milton Keynes, including weight loss & management.


NHS Live Well

Exercise guidelines and workouts to help improve your fitness and wellbeing.


Perinatal mental health services

Having a baby can be an exciting yet challenging time. If you have a pre-existing mental health condition, you may be at greater risk of experiencing a relapse during this period than at other times, but there is support available to help you cope with your pregnancy and keep you and your baby healthy.


Planning your pregnancy



Pregnancy and your heart – why it’s important to plan ahead

Consultant Cardiologist, Dr Sara Thorne, explains why it’s important to plan ahead if you have a heart condition and want to fall pregnant.

If you have a heart condition, you should get specialist advice before trying to conceive, says Dr Thorne, who specialises in adult congenital heart disease and heart disease in pregnancy.


Recovery College Online

Providing a range of online educational courses and resources, including wellbeing, sleeping, mind map and much more.


Treated: Understanding Period Pain

Many women consider period pain a regular part of their cycle; however, not all menstrual discomforts are normal. To raise awareness and help women understand their symptoms better, online clinical service Treated released an in-depth guide on period pain, which you can find here.

This comprehensive four-part resource covers:

  1. An introduction to period pain, its symptoms and causes, and medical conditions associated with period cramps
  2. An in-depth discussion of medicinal and non-medicinal period pain management, and when surgery should be considered
  3. When to see a doctor, what to say and do during a consultation, and a look at treatment plans
  4. Additional resources on period cramps and associated medical conditions