NHS Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Screening Programme

If you are a man aged over 65 you are more likely to have an abdominal aortic aneurysm. That is why the NHS AAA Screening Programme invites men for screening during the year (1 April to 31 March) that they turn 65.

Alzheimer’s Society

Alzheimer’s Society’s mission is to transform the landscape of dementia forever. In their new strategy, the New Deal on Dementia, they make a commitment to be available to every person who receives a diagnosis.  Whatever you are going through wherever you are, whoever you are, you can turn to Alzheimer’s Society for support, help and advice.

Epilepsy Society

The Epilepsy Society works to provide information for people with epilepsy, and for their families, carers and friends, in hospitals and healthcare settings throughout the region. Many of these services are run by Epilepsy Society volunteers.

The Macular Society

The Macular Society is the only charity determined to beat the fear and isolation of macular disease with world-class research, and the best advice and support.

We’ve been supporting people with macular disease for over 30 years. We are the experts and we understand its impact on ordinary lives. All the research we support is driven by this expertise.

Macular disease is the biggest cause of blindness in the UK. Nearly 1.5 million people are currently affected and many more are at risk.

Carer’s UK

Across the UK today 6.5 million people are carers, supporting a loved one who is older, disabled or seriously ill. That’s 1 in 8 adults who care, unpaid, for family and friends. Within our lifetime, there will be 9 million carers.

Carers UK makes life better for carers, giving expert advice, information and support.


Mobilise believe every one of the UK’s 13.5 million unpaid carers has the potential to make life brighter for other carers – by sharing their experiences, frustrations and successes.

Looking after someone with an illness, disability or long-term illness can be lonely and stressful. It can also be joyful, rewarding and fun.

Mobilise is an online business led by carers, for carers. They provide free personalised guidance and coaching.

Parking Permits for Carers

Central Bedfordshire Council issue permits to residents (who live where there are residents’ parking zones in operation) and who have carers visiting them regularly. This means that the carer can park in a “residents only” bay by displaying the permit the resident obtains in their vehicle for the duration of their stay. They return the permit to the resident when they leave. This applies to paid and unpaid carers.

NHS Dementia Information Service

The NHS Choices Dementia Information Service guides you through the often difficult time after a dementia diagnosis. Sign up to receive six emails about getting the help you need now, and in the future. The emails can support you if you have just found out, or accepted, that you or a loved one has dementia.

Each week’s email will cover a different need-to-know topic, including understanding dementia, getting the best dementia healthcare, , dementia at home, finance and legal & getting the best social care.


StreetLink exists to help end rough sleeping by enabling members of the public to connect people sleeping rough with the local services that can support them.

Rehab 4 Addiction

Rehab 4 Addiction is an advisory and referral service for people who suffer from alcohol, drug and behavioural addiction. We work closely with rehabilitation centres and outpatient clinics throughout the United Kingdom.

Whether it is a physical addiction, or a cognitive and behavioural issue, every one of our patients is treated as an individual.

Counselling Directory

By putting your postcode, town or county into this page, it will list professional counsellors and psychotherapists in your area.