Healthwatch was created by the Health and Social Care Act, 2012. We are part of a network of local Healthwatch which helps to ensure that the views and feedback from patients and carers are an integral part of the design and delivery of local services.
Healthwatch Central Bedfordshire is the local consumer champion promoting choice and influencing the provision of high quality health, social care and wellbeing services for all across Central Bedfordshire.
We are:
Independent — We are independent and you can speak to us in confidence.
The voice of local people — We will listen to you and respond.
Professional — We can speak on your behalf to help improve and drive up the quality of health and social care services and where appropriate put you in touch with other professional services that can help.
Want to know more about Healthwatch Central Bedfordshire?
This short video explains it and shows the way we work.
Local Healthwatch Quality Statements
What is Social Care?
Social care isn’t well understood amongst the public as so The King’s Fund have produced this video to help explain what social care is, how it’s provided and paid for, and how it works with the NHS and other services.