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Our aim is to improve health and social care services in Central Bedfordshire.

HW-ItStartsWithYou_LogoTo do this we need your feedback about local GP surgeries, hospitals, dentists, pharmacies, opticians, social care, emergency care and community based health teams. With this, we are able to inform, liaise, influence and, if necessary, challenge decisions and plans.

For all of this, we need your help!

Please help us by sharing your experiences of all or any of these services by clicking on the button below.

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Survey for Professionals and Parents/Carers

As a professional working with children and young people, your expertise is invaluable in addressing the growing mental health and neurodiversity challenges they face. 

By completing our survey, you’ll contribute to identifying key barriers, improving service quality, and ensuring better outcomes.

Young Person’s Survey

Are you a young person who has experience of mental health challenges or SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) services, or who wants to engage in research in mental health and neurodiversity?

Your experiences and opinions are powerful, and they can help shape the future of support for young people like you.

Giving children and Young People a voice

Investing in Children Membership

Young Healthwatch Central Bedfordshire gains Investing in Children Membership Award

Young Healthwatch Central Bedfordshire (YHWCB) are delighted to gain this recognition from Investing in Children.

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Review for CIRCLE MSK Services
Circle MSK

If you are referred by your doctor to Circle MSK, try everything possible to get another option.
I have been near bed ridden since March 2024 and had 3 out of 4 complaints upheld. Circle MSK seem to

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  • MRSM MARIANO says:

    What a nightmare! I’ve had bad experiences with them as well. They are just experimenting on me and promoting Apos Therapy which didn’t work for me. They are trying to compete with the medical practitioner (Orthopaedist) I never had a physical examination with them regarding my severe pain on my right knee due to damaged medial meniscus. What care are they giving us???
    They sounded like a broken record with those online questionnaires. Why not see us face to face and investigate the real problem. Please stop making lies. We were not born yesterday.

  • The Circle MSK physio referred me for a scan on 14/11. I emailed on 02/12 to chase up. Received an email on 16/12 saying they couldn’t help and it was up to me to contact the provider. I subsequently informed Circle MSK I’d had a private scan. On 27/12 they asked for the report so it can go to their clinical team ‘for the next step’. I have never managed to speak to anyone on the phone.
    I’d like to know what the NHS paid for this Abu Dhabi based company’s services back in 2014. As a taxpayer I am not getting value for money.

  • J. Sparrow says:

    I have had bad experiences with them as well and now fight to ensure I don’t get referred to them

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    Review for Biggleswade Community Mental Health Team
    Spring House Biggleswade CMHT

    There are a few incredibly amazing staff members here but unfortunately that is not enough to redeem the overall lack of care, understanding or professionalism. According to someone that was spoken to

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  • Patrick Moore says:

    I’m so sorry Jacob to hear this and this being someone’s experience. We work alongside colleagues from other services and organisations to try and respond as quickly as possible to provide the most appropriate intervention, including proactively with people who struggle to leave their house and engage in their local communities. Please feel free to drop me an email and I happy to address any individual concerns that you may have. Thanks for taking the time to leave feedback

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    Review for Wheatfield Surgery
    Wheatfield Surgery

    Comment has been removed from our website


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  • James knight says:

    Reply from NHS review –
    Dear James Knight  

    Thank you for taking the time to leave a review for Wheatfield Surgery  on the NHS website.

    We are sorry to read about your experience.

    Unfortunately, we are unable to publish your review due to one or more of the following:

    You have stated your intention to make a formal complaint.
    You have already made a formal complaint and it is still ongoing.
    You have made a formal complaint regarding this experience, which is now resolved.
    We deem your experience so serious, that we think this should be raised as a formal complaint so it can be fully investigated

  • We have spoken to the ICB and NHS England have removed this statement above that you also posted on NHS reviews as explained below;

    We believe the content broke our moderation rules, so we have removed it from the website.
    The NHS website ratings and reviews team

    You were removed from the surgery listing at the request of the partners. The PCSE appear to have sent you the wrong letter-you have been advised to take it up with them.

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    Review for Wheatfield Surgery
    Wheatfield Road surgery

    I’ve never had any problems with the doctors who couldn’t do more for me always had the best results from this surgery the secretary’s are polite and very professional friendly and helpful to me

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    Review for Ampthill Community Mental Health Team
    CMHT Meadow Lodge

    Been with them going around in circles for 20 years now. Currently battling them with PALS, social prescriber and got Voiceability involved.
    They are simply inept and not fit for purpose. They don’

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  • Serenity says:

    Hi, so finally and luckily I have been transferred to Biggleswade mental health team and under them now however I still worry for the patients sadly who are still under meadow lodge and aren’t getting the proper treatment because meadow lodge always goes with the easy option rather than go down the route that fits the individual.
    They have proven that there is miscommunication between staff with the fact it took them a year to make a phone call (or was that there ineptness?) either way the team manager offered no apology or clarification she would look into it or fix the problem for others.
    I honestly believe a formal investigation into how they run and treat patients is called for

  • Patrick Moore says:

    I’m really sorry to hear of your continued distress. The Team manager is awaiting a response from the other team regarding your request and will follow it up.
    If in the meantime, you or your advocate wish to speak to the team manager to discuss further, please do contact her on 01525 758400
    Patrick Moore
    (Service Manager)

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    Review for Biggleswade Community Mental Health Team

    Honestly, my mental health was better before I was sent here. You go to these people at rock bottom and vulnerable and they seem to make it their personal challenge to show you there’s a worse level o

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  • Jacob says:

    There are a few incredibly amazing staff members here but unfortunately that is not enough to redeem the overall lack of care, understanding or professionalism. According to someone that was spoken to the cause of mental health issues does not matter and complicates things. It would appear based on that conversation and others that as has been the case for a number of years they only look for the easy answer to make their job easier and will only treat people on their terms, even if it is a detrimental impact to your mental health, i.e. agoraphobia. Autism is not a mental health disorder, you’re supposed to be helping to treat mental health issues. Disgraceful and disgusting!

  • Anon says:

    Awful experience here. I have to constantly chase and it is mentally draining.

  • Patrick Moore says:

    I’m really sorry to hear that you found the appointment unhelpful. If you wish to discuss further, please call Martin Orr, Operational Manager, on 01767 224181, or you can contact me, Patrick Moore, Service Manager, 07785 998209

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